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Change in office hours. (Please note callers by appointment)

As our last mail collection is now 4.00 P.M. Our office hours are now......... 8.00 to 4.00 Monday to Friday. Closed Weekends and Bank Holidays.

On Friday morning 24th of Jan storm Eowyn hit and we lost all ellectricity and broadband, They are both back on now and we are working hard to catch up.      Apologies for any delays or not answering the phone on Friday afternoon. 



My Daughter is in the UK and will be coming out to SA in July, is it possible for me to pay for a Exhaust System and get it sent to Her. She will bring it as part of her Luggage. IfF so would you need a copy of her Flight Booking as proof of Export, or is it more involved than that.
Hello, we can do that, its simple enough we just enclose a customs form and your daughter gets it stamped, it gets posted back to us and that is our proof of export. Its simple and easy, upon receiving it we refund the VAT, quite a regular occurrence.

I want to order some Norton parts but pay with my USA credit card. I want to parts sent to my son's house in Northumberland so he can bring them over on a visit. Do you charge vat when they are paid with a non EC credit card but sent to UK address?
Hello, thank you for your enquiry we have to charge VAT but we can include a form which if your son gets it stamped by customs when he leaves the country and then sends it back to us we can refund the VAT, HMRC will not work on a promise but this system is there's and works fine, we do it quite regularly.